Learn By Doing

A Lifelong Learner Shares Thoughts About Education

Category: Teaching

  • Adding Mr Rogers Back

    I keep thinking about this article https://www.middleweb.com/41193/inviting-mr-rogers-into-your-sel-classroom/ and the need to bring Mr Rogers back. I think it is more important as anxiety increases and the climate of the world continues to become more aggressive and toxic. It may well be the missing component that has been forcibly removed on the PD death march that…

  • Design Charrettes for CS

    Almost time to start the detailed planning for the 2019-2020 school year and among the things I relearned this summer at CS4Teachers at the UW was design charrettes. This was a lesson worked on with students who do the K12 outreach for HCDE (Human Centered Design & Engineering) program at the U of W and…

  • Adolescent Development

    I recently attended a well run Professional Development day for CTE teachers within my school district. While everything we did is student focused and data driven, it struck me that we were no longer considering developmental levels, what can be or should be accomplished at each level. Instead we are driven to have every student…

  • One Thing I Want My Students To Say

    I saw this here.  I don’t believe all of this is critical thinking, nor is all of it difficult; however, it certainly does begin to overwhelm me a little, would it be #edushame continued from Educators who no longer are in a classroom?  I am beginning to think about this topic.  But when I look…