Learn By Doing

A Lifelong Learner Shares Thoughts About Education

Category: Teaching

  • Travel Pictures on Google Maps

    Take time this summer to publish travel pictures on Google Maps.  It will set up an initial class discussion for the Fall on Google Maps, Analytics, Photos, Design.  You may need a few tries to get one to be successful.  KEEP IT GOING! I took a second and was demonstrating how much a picture makes…

  • The Future of Schools Means Professional Learning

    I stumbled across a LinkedIn blog post that resonated with me as my summer life contains taking online classes and reading books in my topic area (in addition to others which are somewhat related and sometimes not).  I think that we are so conditioned to think that professional development as it exists in schools today…

  • Remove Gamification

    Know what this list represents?  Maybe a cleaner way to get where I want to go for my students. via teachthought 1. Have students create own their rules/terms For an assessment, a project, an assignment, or even whether they pass or fail. If they make the rules, while there is still a game, they’ve had…

  • 8 Second Peptalk

    It is Friday and I need a pick me up at the end of the week.  Classes have been good, final curriculum is shaping up strong, administrivia under control: budgets, new class curriculum, long term proposals and full professionalism is deployed across the spectrum of responsibilities.  And yet, it is hard and quiet where I…