Learn By Doing

A Lifelong Learner Shares Thoughts About Education

Find a Complementary Color Quick with Whats Its Color

Find a Complementary Color Quick with Whats Its Color


Some of us have a great eye for complementary colors and matches—and
then some of us still don’t understand why brown shoes and black pants
are a bad idea. For anyone looking to set an image against a
complementary background or find a color scheme, Whats Its Color (their
grammar, not mine) is a free web app that can help. Upload an image and
the site creates a palette page with a complementary background and a
list of unique and dominant colors in your image. Photoshop and GIMP
gurus might already know how to sift these kind of things already, but
the visible color matching could be a boon for presentation slides or
small design projects. For more color matching tools, check out Color Schemer and Colr.org. Thanks Chris!

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