Author: John Walker
I ran across this site which focuses on a skill I wish to demonstrate: Complimenting strangers!
100 Rules from Dru Riley
Find one off this list to value. Value what this individual offers and come back for one more. Read his story. Build your own list. Have a code.
Finding Stuff
I enjoyed reading this article about June Huh entitled “High School Dropout Wins The Fields Medal”. He attended a University so did not leave education and from there forged his own path, with his own skill set. Well worth the read on seeing how a path can unfold and why everyone need not possess the…
How to Save YouTube Videos
I used to use a Firefox plugin to save YouTube Videos so I could use portions of them in class. When I went to access the plugin I found it had changed to using a pay plan in a rather impolite fashion. So I did a quick search around and found I could use VLC…