Tag: Online Classes
COVID Teaching
A number of the points in 8 Strategies to Prevent Teaching Burnout resonated. Worth revisiting for strategies and self-review of practice.
On the Value of Learning About Your Students
I was reading What I Am Learning About My Students During an Impossible Semester by Jim Lang after searching for a value related assignment to restart my classes as we go back to work online while @home during the COVID19 #StayHomeSaveLives event. It was worth reading before I get going today, frames how I want…
Introducing an on-demand course in GitHub basics
from GitHub If you’d like to start using GitHub or just see what it’s all about, we’re kicking off a new way for you to learn the basics. Introduction to GitHub is a self-paced, online class designed to help you: Get started using GitHub.com in 30 minutes or less. Make new friends while collaborating on…