Learn By Doing

A Lifelong Learner Shares Thoughts About Education


About | Winners & Losers 2012 | Top 100 Tools 2007-2012

Here are the Top 100 Tools for Learning 2012 –  the results of the 6th Annual Learning Tools Survey – as voted for by 582 learning professionals worldwide, and compiled by the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies. (Released 1 October 2012)

“A learning tool is a tool to create or deliver learning content/solutions for others, or a tool for your own personal or professional learning.”


Below is a summary of the Top 100 Tools 2012 and where the Top 100 Tools are mainly being used – ie for Personal/Professional learning/productivity, in Education and/or in the Enterprise (for training, performance support and/or team collaboration). (Please note that the absence of a checkmark in a column does not mean that the tool is not, cannot or should not be used for that purpose!)

since 2011 





Edu Ent
 =  1 Twitter Social network & micro-blogging service x  x
 =  2 YouTube Video-sharing site x  x
 = 3 Google Docs/Drive Office suite and data storage service  x  x  (x)
UP 11 4 Google Search Web search engine x
= 5 WordPress Blogging/website tool x  x x
 = 6 Dropbox File synchronization  x x  (x)
 DOWN 3 7 Skype Text and voice chat tool x x (x)
UP 11 8 PowerPoint Presentation software x  x  x
 UP 5 9 Facebook Social network x  x
 UP 1 10 Wikipedia Collaborative encyclopaedia x (x)
 DOWN 1 11 Moodle Course management system x  (x)
UP 5 12 Evernote Note-taking tool x
 DOWN 4 13 Slideshare Presentation hosting site x  x
DOWN 7 14 Prezi Presentation software  x x
DOWN 3 15 Blogger/Blogspot Blogging tool  x  x
= 16 Google Reader RSS Reader  x
UP 9 17 Google+ / Hangouts Social network/video meetings  x x
 DOWN 5 18 Diigo Social bookmarking/ annotation tool x x
 UP 23 19 Word Word processing software x x x
 UP 11 20 Yammer Private social networking engine (x) x x
 DOWN 11 21 Glogster EDU Interactive poster tool x
 = 22 Edmodo Educational social learning network platform x
DOWN 2 23 LinkedIn Professional social network  x  x
 UP 9 24 Scoopit Curation software  x  x
 UP 5 25 TED Talks/Ed Inspirational tools/lessons  x  x
DOWN 8 26 Jing Screencasting tool x x  x
 DOWN 7 27 Gmail Web mail  x (x)  (x)
 = 28 Camtasia Screencasting tool x  x
 = 29 Audacity Audio recorder/editing tool  x  x  x
 DOWN 7 30 Wikispaces Wiki hosting platform  x x
 DOWN 6 31 Voicethread Digital storytelling platform x
 UP 27 32 Adobe Connect Web conferencing software  x
UP 10 33 Google Sites Web/wiki hosting platform  x  x  (x)
 UP 10 34 iPad and apps Apple tablet and apps x x  x
UP 10 35 Google Chrome Web browser x
 NEW 36 Pinterest Virtual pinboard x  x
 UP 9 37 Articulate E-learning authoring software  x  x
 = 38 Google Maps Interactive maps x x  x
DOWN 12 39 Animoto Video creation software x x
DOWN 3 40 Tweetdeck Social media dashboard x
UP 32 41 Hootsuite Social media dashboard x
 UP 5 42 Snagit Screen capture software x x x
 UP 5 43 Adobe Captivate E-Learning authoring software x x
 UP 20 44 Livebinders Digital organizer x x
UP 20 45 SharePoint Collaboration platform (x)  x
UP 6 46 Mindmeister Mindmapping software x x
 UP 19 47 iTunes and iTunesU Audio/video player / course distribution platform x  x
DOWN 24 48 Delicious Social bookmarking tool  x x
UP 20  49 Outlook Email client  x x x
 UP 10 50 Blackboard Collaborate
(previously Elluminate)
Web conferencing software x
 UP 23 51 SurveyMonkey Survey software  x  x  x
 BACK 52 Google Scholar Search engine for scholarly works x (x)
BACK 53 Adobe Photoshop Photo editing software  x x
BACK 54 WebEx Web conferencing software  x
DOWN 20 55 Google Apps Branded Google apps x x x
UP 18 56 Khan Academy Video learning platform x  x
NEW 57 Google Translate Online language translator x
UP 24 58 Quizlet Flashcards & study games x
 DOWN 3 59 Scribd Document sharing site x  x
DOWN 24 60 Flickr Photo sharing site  x x
NEW 61 Flipboard Social magazine for iPad etc  x
 NEW 62 Bing Web search engine x
 DOWN 6 63 Ning Community platform x x x
DOWN 13 64 Screenr Screencasting tool x x x
BACK 65 Firefox and addons  Web browser x
 NEW 66 Instapaper Read it later tool x
 UP 2 67 Udutu Collaborative course authoring x x
 BACK 68 MovieMaker Movie authoring tool x  x
 BACK 69 Mindjet (prev Mindmanager) Mindmapping tool x
 UP 12 70 Kindle E-book reader x
UP 29 71 OneNote Note-taking software  x
DOWN 18 72 Wallwisher (now Padlet) Online noticeboard  x
NEW 73 Zite Social magazine for iPad x
 DOWN 19 74 iPhone and apps Apple smartphone and apps  x x x
 UP 7 75 Poll Everywhere Live audience polling  x  x x
 UP 14 76 Pocket (prev Read it Later) Read it later software x
DOWN 3 77 Edublogs Educational blogging platform  x  x
 DOWN 29 78 Vimeo Video sharing site x x
DOWN 40 79 Wordle Word cloud generator x  x
DOWN 39 80 Symbaloo (and Edu) Visual bookmarking dashboard x x
= 81 Excel Spreadsheet software x  x
 UP 8 82 Paper.li Curation tool x
 DOWN 15 83 Lino Sticky note service x x
 DOWN 44 84 Voki Speaking avatars  x
UP 5 85 Buddypress Social engine (WordPress plugin) x x
 DOWN 28 86 eFront Course/Learning Management System  x x
DOWN 26  87 OpenOffice Office software x  x
 DOWN 54 88 PB Works Wiki software x
NEW 89 Learnist Pinning learning sites x x
NEW 90 MentorMob Create Learning Playlists  x  x
DOWN 24 91 Mahara ePortfolio/social networking platform  x
 NEW 92 Doodle Event scheduling  x  x
 BACK 93 Keynote Presentation software x  (x)
DOWN 6 94 Android phones and tablets Devices using Google mobile operating system  x  x
 DOWN 6 95 Blackboard Course management system  x
 BACK 96 Tumblr Micro-blogging platform x
NEW 97 Quora Q&A platform  x
NEW 98 Windows Skydrive File synchronization  x
 NEW 99 Popplet Online noticeboard x x
 DOWN 6 100 iMovie Video creation software  x x

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