Learn By Doing

A Lifelong Learner Shares Thoughts About Education

  • http://www.infinitethinking.org/2007/09/tech-savvy-learning-communities-la.html

    Infinite Thinking Machine
    Tech Savvy Learning Communities (a la Moodle)
    Saturday, September 15, 2007
    Posted by Lucie deLaBruere
    “The daily working life of most teachers is one of unrelieved time pressure and isolation; they work, largely alone, in a classroom of 25-30 children or adolescents for hours every day.” Prisoners of Time. National Education Commission on Time and Learning. April 1994

    Since this publication was released over a decade ago, many technological tools have emerged that have potential to relieve the isolation and combat the lack of mutual time to plan, converse, and reflect that teachers so desperately need. In her article “Professional Development Through Learning Communities”, Kathleen Fulton talks about how the same forces that drive us to use technology to create learning communities for students, “offer the opportunity for new models for the professional growth of teachers. Learning communities share a way of knowing, a set of practices, and shared value of the knowledge that comes from these procedures. These learning communities, with expanded human and technological resources, bring together students, teachers, and community members in directing the course of education in new ways.”

    Tools like Tapped In, Second Life, Google Groups, and Ning communities such as Classroom 2.0 provide innovative ways to create virtual places for professional development, collegiality, collaboration, and social interaction. But one tool, that may be overlooked to help teachers form learning communities is Moodle

    Moodle is most known as an Open Source LMS (Learning Management System) (similar to Blackboard and WebCT). Many schools are using it to either offer online or hybrid courses or as a digital space for a face to face class where students can use Moodle to submit homework, view online resources, or have online conversations with their classmates. Moodle also has modules that allow students to take quizes, surveys, or participate in a classroom wiki.

    My belief that the best technology professional development is embedded in the process of participation in authentic meaningful tasks for teachers and not as a separate activity lead me to create an opportunity for teachers to gain skills and confidence using a tool like Moodle by turning it into a technology tool that could be used to help our teachers save time, increase collaboration, and relieve isolation. If you have access to Moodle, try setting up a Moodle “course” in topic mode (instead of the weekly mode) and hiding the modules that say “grade” and “assignment”. Give it a cool name that identifies it as a “teachers space” for your school, then:

    1. Add a forum called “Teachers Room” for general dialogue between staff.

    2. Create another forum called Staff Meetings. Post all agendas and minutes as a discussion topic to this Forum and encourage teachers to continue the staff meeting dialogues online.
    3. Add all Staff Meetings, Inservice, Early Releases dates, or other important dates to the “course” calendar.

    4. Add handy staff resources such as PDF copies of parent or staff handbooks and frequently used forms.

    5. Create a quick poll to gather staff input about an important topic in your school.

    These 5 simple ways to use Moodle with your staff will provide an authentic opportunity for learning to use a 21st century tool, generate ideas, build confience, and start dialogues that encourage teachers to start using a tool like Moodle to build learning communities with their students.

    The fact that Moodle can be set up as an Intranet might make some teachers feel more comfortable participating. If you don’t have the school resources to set it up on your school server (did I mention it was free?), there are many resonably priced hosting solutions for Moodle such as http://www.siteground.com/ that will do all the legwork for you. Teachers can also reserve free Moodle classroom through Global Classroom, which also includes a free skillbuilder course.

    Peter Senge was asked (O’Neil, 1995) what he would do, if he were a principal of
    a school, to transform the school into a learning organization. Senge
    replied that initially he would find the teachers who were interested in doing
    things differently, who have ‘some real commitment and passion to do it,’ and
    get them to talking to each other. Pulling a core group together is a strategy
    frequently used for mobilizing and moving people in an organization. ~Dr. Shirely M. Hord

    One of the biggest obstacles to doing this in schools is the lack of common time. Why not try one of the many technology tools available to start collaborating online about practical issues, then move into the ongoing visioning process of a real learning community.

    Labels: LuciedeLaBruere, Moodle, professional development

  • Linux Tip: Easily Install iPodLinux – Lifehacker
    Linux Tip
    Easily Install iPodLinux

    Linux users: Install iPodLinux on your iPod without losing any of your existing content with a script introduced by Mike’s Ubuntu Blog. The script automatically partitions your iPod’s hard drive and installs a boot partitioner with just three terminal commands.

    wget http://de.dataghost.com/ipl/dg-installer/dg-linux-installer-20070311.tar.bz2
    tar -jxf dg-linux-installer-20070311.tar.bz2
    sudo ./installer.sh

    I installed iPodLinux on my iPod, and besides an occasional freeze up (and a decent drain on the battery), iPodLinux has been running very well. After installing iPodLinux you’ll still be able to sync your iPod just as you normally would in addition to doing other fun things, like playing games. If you’re not running Linux, you can still install iPodLinux on your iPod from your Windows or Mac PC.
    How to: install ipodlinux on your ipod [Mike’s Ubuntu Blog]

  • 50 Great Widgets For Your Blog
    50 Great Widgets For Your Blog
    September 6, 2007 — 09:26 PM PDT — by Stan Schroeder — Share This

    Blog Widgets

    Widgets are a handy, easy and simple way to add some flare to your blog. Whether you’d like to display the number of currently online visitors to your site or simply the weather report for Los Angeles, you can do it with widgets. We’ve assembled a list of 50 useful or simply cool widgets for your pleasure. And remember, the first rule of widgetizing your blog is – don’t overdo it!

  • Video Tutorials – webreference.com

    Video Tutorials
    Working solutions for the video professional

    Camtasia Studio Video Tutorials: Part 4
    This tutorial is the last one in our series. This week you’ll learn how to to produce a video and output it to the Flash format. A bonus is the section at the end, which gives you important tips about how to get the best results from your output. By Nathan Segal. 0607
    Camtasia Studio Video Tutorials: Part 3
    This week we cover another method of recording video, Picture in Picture (or PIP) and editing the timeline. This tutorial also includes an update to Camtasia Studio 4, which offers more video creation and output options. By Nathan Segal. 0524
    Camtasia Studio Video Tutorials: Part 2
    This week we look at getting ready to record. Here we cover what you want to say, storyboarding, recording tips/times, audio quality, video quality, cleaning up your browser, the recording process and more. By Nathan Segal. 0509
    Camtasia Studio Video Tutorials: Part 1
    Video tutorials are quickly becoming the learning medium of choice since users can see tasks in real time. In addition, you can stop the playback, rewind, step through the video and more. In this four part series, you’ll learn how to create video tutorials. By Nathan Segal. 0425

  • A Crash Course in Digital Filmmaking
    If you watch “Sleeping Nights Awake,” a 2007 film about influential rock band Sonic Youth, you’ll find all the key elements of a music documentary: live concert material, interviews with band members, and candid backstage footage delivering a close-up look at the band and its music.

    Yet unlike many documentaries, “Sleeping Nights Awake” wasn’t shot by a professional crew or with a large budget. Rather, the film is the work of seven teenagers under the direction of the Nevada-based nonprofit Project Moonshine.