Tag: Math
How Little Math Americans Actually Use at Work
From The Atlantic, not that blue-collar workers generally do more advanced math than their white-collar counterparts. I am not suggesting all of CTE is targeted at blue-collar jobs anymore; however, it is interesting that those students often think that math is less important to them. Remember sitting through high school math class while the teacher…
NYTimes: It’s My Birthday Too, Yeah
I was explaining to my class the other day that given our class sizes it is better than 50-50 that two students have the same birthday. But hard to explain. So I give them this article. Article below By STEVEN STROGATZ Me, Myself and Math, a six-part series by Steven Strogatz, looks at us…
Khan Academy Changes Math Class Structure
From Wired magazine as How Khan Academy is Changing the Rules of Education. You see, you use the tool, first like you think you are going to as an assist for after school, and then you simply change how instruction is delivered. The valuable part of a teacher is individualizing the education and providing the…