Tag: Programming
What to cover in class: Apps or PWA?
I found this article describing a portion of one side of the argument, app or not, which may well suggest an answer the question of where to spend out time in CS here. Read the full article and the comments on Medium. The author is not without an unbiased view point, consider what this might…
Exploring Computational Thinking on Google
Google is committed to promoting computational thinking throughout the K-12 curriculum to support student learning and expose everyone to this 21st century skill. What is Computational Thinking? Computational thinking (CT) involves a set of problem-solving skills and techniques that software engineers use to write programs that underlie the computer applications you use such as search,…
Why Teach Every Kid to Program?
At this time of year, looking forward to next year, everyone always asks "Why teach a student to program?" Let’s just do office applications or keyboarding like we always have. The answer is that in today’s workplace, even those who don’t program need to know it. Does your school teach programming? How will your students…
I want Pi for my School
The Raspberry Pi Foundation Before we get into the nitty gritty of hardware, software and what will be possible once the Raspberry Pi (RasPi for short) is finally released it’s important to take a look at the project’s roots. RasPi was initially devised by Eben Upton in 2006 who saw a decline in computer science…