Tag: web design
Travel Pictures on Google Maps
Take time this summer to publish travel pictures on Google Maps. It will set up an initial class discussion for the Fall on Google Maps, Analytics, Photos, Design. You may need a few tries to get one to be successful. KEEP IT GOING! I took a second and was demonstrating how much a picture makes…
Mozilla Webmaker And The Hour of Code
As part of the effort for the Hour of Code, we’ve compiled some great Webmaker resources that only take about an hour to complete — and can help get you started on a path towards becoming a maker and innovator on the web. More than 3.5 million people have already signed up to participate. Below…
The world’s largest photo service just made its pictures free to use
Getty Images is betting its business on embeddable photos Article from The Verge If you go to the Getty Images website, you’ll see millions of images, all watermarked. There are more than a hundred years of photography here, from FDR on the campaign trail to last Sunday’s Oscars, all stamped with the same transparent square…
Web Designer: Formal Degree or Self Taught
I think the current efforts and direction are doomed to fail to serve the learner. This article crossed Feedly an hour ago at lunch and I am using it in my Advanced Web Design class in 5 minutes. Without curating current material and integrating it “Just In Time” into teaching practices, will engagement flourish, will…
The Evolution of Web Design Affects Course Sequencing
From Kissmetrics come the infographic on the left. Think about your course sequencing people, the last College I visited was still teaching Introduction courses that didn’t include Mobile Browsing, Content Management Systems, or even introduce CSS3, let alone seriously use CSS from Day 1. Move on! Can you believe that the first published website is…